A Fuchsia Fox
In my previous post on candy-colored fur, I mentioned my hope to reclaim this oh-so-understated fuchsia fox coat. As a high school senior, I somehow convinced my father, Marvelous Marvin, to buy me this coat as a high school graduation gift. Totally normal and practical, right? Other kids got brand new laptops or delicate jewelry; I got fuchsia fox. Unfortunately, I totally forgot about said coat and it remained in my closet in Fort Worth, Texas until last week. My mom must have convinced me not to take the fur to my freshman year dorm at NYU. She had a point. I lived in a shoebox with about 5 feet of hanging space (4.5 of which were taken by my roommate who had "detachment issues" and brought everything she owned with her to college....I'm not kidding. Yael, if you're reading this, I forgive you.) The fuchsia fox may have scared off my fellow classmates and I guess I wanted to "fit in" for once in my life so I spent all winter in a Via Spiga black down coat (cringing!). Over time, my memory of the fox faded. I really do not know how one forgets a practically fluorescent fuchsia coat...I really, really cannot figure it out for the life of me. BUT ANYWAY, after 10 FREAKING YEARS it is finally time to reintroduce it into my life and my closet!!! I plan to wear it all winter. If you see me coming from a mile away make sure to say, "Hello!"